If you are suffering from an injury as a result of another's negligence, compensation can be awarded for lost wages, medical bills, rehabilitation, and pain and suffering. Learn More Injury attorneys typically seek compensation for victims in the following types of actions:
Motor vehicle accidents happen in an instant and can result in serious injury to drivers and/or passengers. When an accident results in an injury, injured parties may take legal action to recover compensation from damages.
When an individual dies through the legal fault of others, his or her surviving spouse, domestic partner and next of kin may file a wrongful death claim against the party at fault.
Mesothelioma is a cancer that typically develops in the lungs due to exposure to asbestos. If you have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace, you may be entitled to compensation.
Property owners are responsible for maintaining their property. When there is negligence on their behalf and you should slip, trip or fall, you may be entitled to compensation.
When entrusted professionals [physicians, nurses, hospital staff and/or chiropractors] fail to provided you with services and care that you reasonably expect from them, you may be entitled to compensation.
Most New York State employees are provided workers' compensation insurance through their employees to cover them from injury or occupational disease while performing job related duties. If you need help guiding you through the process of applying for benefits or appealing a denied claim, call for a consultation.
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Were You Recently Injured by Someone Else's Negligence?
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Please be advised that by contacting Brendan Ahern of Rappaport, Glass, Levine & Zullo LLP, or its attorneys electronically does not establish an attorney-client relationship.